Fallout 3 The Superhuman Gambit Walkthrough (Side Quest) - Guide by Carl

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Quest Start: Upon entering Canterbury Commons
  • Defeat the AntAgonizer
  • Defeat the Mechanist
    This quest starts as soon as you enter Canterbury Commons, which is six squares south of the northeastern corner of the map. You will witness a fight scene between two would-be superheroes who need to be deposed. Uncle Roe will come and talk to you after they've finished their wimpy fight. He wants one or both superheroes gone from town, and will reward you 200 caps (400 with speech check) to get them to leave.

    There are several reward options for this quest:

  • Protectron's Gaze - my favorite, you can get a custom laser pistol by killing the AntAgonizer and giving her armor to the Mechanist. This is my preferred choice.
  • Ant's Sting - If you give the Mechanist's armor to the AntAgonizer, you'll receive Ant's Sting, which is a unique knife. I find it to be too weak for practical use. It does poison the enemy, dealing four damage per second. It might be useful for someone who likes to hit and run.
    With that, you need to know the location of both superheroes' bases. The Mechanist lives to the south in a Robot Repair Facility, the AntAgonizer's caves are to the north of the town. You can convince them to give up their superhero careers, but you won't be getting the laser pistol or knife by doing it that way. My way does lose Karma, but the reward is well worth it.

    From here, I chose to head to the AntAgonizer's lair to try to get the pistol. Go to the robot facility if you want the knife. Inside the AntAgonizer's lair are plenty of mines and traps, so watch out. When you reach an area that looks like a dead end, but it appears you should be able to proceed, look for the electrical switch on the wall to open a staircase. It's not too far past this that you will finally start encountering some ants. Thankfully, they're the weakest variety for the most part. From here it's also very linear, making the trip easy to navigate. Fight your way through the ants to finally meet the AntAgonizer. Here you can make one of your many choices, I instead put a bullet in her head almost immediately. That's a choice, too! Watch out if you decide to fight her. Her death will be swift, but the ants will come numbering at least four, that must be dealt with. After they're all dead, grab the AntAgonizer's suit and helmet from her body. Don't wear them, just head back out to the Wasteland and to the Robot Repair Facility.

    The Robot Repair Center is heavily guarded inside by robots, so pulse grenades could come in handy. If you have 75 lockpick, you can skip most of them by going straight and looking for the elevator to your left. If not, you'll need to go down the stairs that are near the elevator (through a door) anyway, so this is the direction you should go. If you cannot take the elevator, once up the stairs and after battling the robots (kill the turrets first to remove their damage), go through the door on the western side of this room. It should now be easy to find the Mechanist's forge. Note that when you reach the last room where the forge door is supposed to be, you may need to climb up the stairs again where you came from and go through the second door in that room. At any rate, if the mechanist isn't there you can wait on him (I experienced this). He did appear at last in the evening, around 9pm. When you give him the AntAgonizer's armor, he'll hand over protectron's gaze (the unique laser pistol) and go about his business. Return to Uncle Roe for the final reward and to complete the quest.

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