Fallout 3 The Power of The Atom Walkthrough

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The Power of The Atom:
Quest Start: Lucas Simms in Megaton (Good Karma) or Mr. Burke, Moriarty's Saloon, Megaton

The Good Way

Talk to Lucas Simms and tell him you can help him disarm the bomb in town. If you pass a speech check you can get him to agree to a price of 500 caps for the job! This requires 25 explosives skill, but having at least some competency in explosives is recommended anyway because the weapons are very powerful early on in the game. At any rate, once you agree to disarm the bomb just head down to the water and do just that. Simms will give you a reward for your efforts, along with access to your own house, which is the best place to store items. You'll also have a free bed, so you can sleep and run around with the well rested bonus and gain xp faster.

Several good things happen from this quest. Simms will start leaving his door unlocked, which will allow you to grab the strength bobblehead from his second floor bedroom. Also, complething this along with the Wasteland Survival Guide will make the residents like you, and often when you go into town they will give you a small gift. It's not much, but anything helps.

The Evil Way

Find Mr. Burke in Moriarty's Saloon. He'll offer to reward you for destroying the town by detonating the atomic bomb. If you agree, you should note that you will need to wrap up any business in Megaton before you do the job. Be sure to get the strength bobblehead, and you might as well raid the clinic and try to get any other items you can find. You may or may not want to do the Wasteland Survival Guide quest chain.

At any rate, once you've rigged the bomb with Mr. Burke's device, find tenpenny tower to the southwest of Megaton. Burke will let you detonate the bomb. Enjoy the view! Anyway, talk to Burke to get your reward for the evil deed. You will lose 1000 karma for the act. Burke gives you the key and deed to a suite in the tower.

With the town destroyed, you can go back and look at the ruins, but not without a rad suit! You can also run into Moira Brown and kill her if you like. She'll have turned into a ghoul. It might be more evil to let her live.


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