Carl's Terraria Guide

for PC 1.3, Xbox, PS3, PS4, Vita and Mobile

Progression Path in Terraria

To-Do List of Goals to Advance the Game

This Guide to Progression in Terraria discusses the various barriers you must overcome and how you can advance the world toward Hard Mode by defeating the Wall of Flesh and on to Plantera and the end-game. I'll look at each of the bosses that are necessary to advance and describe goals you should set for yourself before fighting them. Linked are guides to the bosses, how you can engage them, and some strategy suggestions to defeat them. Here are some of the major markers of progress in Terraria and what you can do to prepare your character for them.

My Walkthrough, basically a beginner's guide, has two pages which include loads of tips for getting started in Terraria. Read this if you're fresh, then you can come back here to learn more about making it further in the game. I've also got a guide to earn yourself some Money, either early or later game.

It is worth noting that most of the things in this list are necessary to be successful in Expert in 1.3. You need every advantage you can get, so the optionals become more important to complete before progressing to harder things.

To-Do in Normal Mode - Before Wall of Flesh

Hard Mode Progression

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Anthony says...
I'm not sure if you've mentioned this in another article, but you can farm some SERIOUS coins and loot by making an arena. My friend and I hooked up some lihzahrd traps in a giant pit and anything that spawned during moons and such slowly died. This gave us time to focus our firepower on more serious targets like the Pumpking. Just a suggestion, I think you could help out a lot of people by making another awesome guide for an arena.
6th August 2016 5:55pm
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Future Plans for the Guide

My Guide was started on Sept 23, 2015 and now includes dozens of pages about the game. I hope I can help newcomers to get a bit more enjoyment ouf of Terraria by demystifying some of how it works. You can provide feedback to me at [email protected]. I am tied up with multiple projects - this, The Sims 4, and Fallout 4 but do plan to return to Terraria and finish the boss guides and some other pages.

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