Carl's Civ 5 Guide
for Civ 5 Complete, Gods & Kings, and Brave New World DLC

Civilization 5 World Wonders: Colossus

Building Strategies and Wonder Information

A Painting of the Colossus Wonder in Civilization 5 Brave New World and Gods and Kings
A Painting of the Colossus, seen when Building the Wonder

the Colossus of RhodesWorld Wonder: Colossus

Tech Required: Iron Working

Production Cost: 250

What it Does: The Colossus must be built in a Coastal City. Provides a Free Trade route slot and a Cargo Ship appears. The Colossus itself gives +5 Gold per turn, while trade routes with other Civs will give you +1 Gold. The destination of your Trade routes will give +2 to the City owner. Also gives +1 Culture and +1 Great Merchant point.

The City with the Colossus is a good target for your own Cargo Ships, but I personally like to own this great Wonder myself - although it's a bit tough to get at a time when I'm typically trying to increase Scientific or Cultural output, the Gold per turn it provides is invaluable. If you can get Great Library, you can use the Free Tech to unlock Iron Working then proceed to wage war while having enough gold to support it. The Colossus is a popular Wonder with the AI, however, so it will be a challenge to acquire on higher difficulties.

Since Barbarian ships patrol the seas in the Era the Colossus is built, be sure to put out at least one naval unit to protect your free Trade Route. Barbarian encampments near the Trade Route need to be destroyed quickly before it is plundered and your Cargo Ship lost - they are rather expensive early in the game and you do not want to suddenly see 8 gold per turn disappear. This Wonder is also helpful for completing City-State Quests for Trade Routes. Put this in the same City as your East India Company to get the most out of those Sea Trade routes.

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