Carl's Civ 5 Guide
for Civ 5 Complete, Gods & Kings, and Brave New World DLC

Civilization 5 World Wonders: Great Mosque of Djenne

Building Strategies and Wonder Information

A Painting of the Great Mosque of Djenne Wonder in Civilization 5 Brave New World and Gods and Kings
A Painting of Great Mosque of Djenne, seen when Building the Wonder

Great Mosque of DjenneWorld Wonder: Great Mosque of Djenne

Tech Required: Theology

Production Cost: 300

What it Does: Requires you Adopt Piety. Missionaries born in this City can Spread Religion 3 Times. Provides a Free Mosque in the City (+3 Faith, +2 Culture, +1 Happiness) whether the Religion can build Mosques or not. Additionally, provides +1 Culture/+1 Great Engineer point.

The free Mosque you get from this is great along with the other bonuses, but this will also affect Great Prophets. You will be able to spread Religion 5 times with them, so build this in your Holy City to take advantage of this feature on any GP that are born there automatically. After this first use, you can still use the Construct Holy Site and Enhance Religion abilities, but not if you dip into the 4 uses Great Prophets start with.

Overall, it's a decent Wonder to reward you for Adopting Piety, which many do not do. Interfaith Dialogue will synergize well with this, since you will get science each time you use your Missionaries.

This Wonder originally came with Gods and Kings but is included in Brave New World since it is the reward for Adopting Piety.

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Thain says...
Didn't know about an extra Great Prophet's usage, thanks.

Free Missionaries from Borobudur also benefit from this wonder.
20th October 2014 4:07am
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