Carl's Civ 5 Guide
for Civ 5 Complete, Gods & Kings, and Brave New World DLC

Civilization 5 World Wonders: Leaning Tower of Pisa

Building Strategies and Wonder Information

A Painting of the Leaning Tower of Pisa Wonder in Civilization 5 Brave New World and Gods and Kings
A Painting of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, seen when Building the Wonder

Leaning Tower of PisaWorld Wonder: Leaning Tower of Pisa

Tech Required: Printing Press

Production Cost: 500

What it Does: +25% Generation of Great People in All Cities, also provides a Free Great Person of your choice. +1 Culture.

The Tech to unlock the Leaning Tower also makes you founder of the World Congress, which you can easily hold onto if you are first to the next Era and have a few City-State Allies. Since its effects work in all Cities, it doesn't matter that you build this in your City with the Art Guilds. You'll know you have a shot at this if you are the one to found the WC, so you can start construction first in your best city - just get it out however you can. This one is worth rushing for if you are going for a Cultural OR Diplomatic Victory... actually, just about anything but outright Warmongering with no regards to GPP will benefit from this great Wonder.

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Thain says...
Great Person will be born near the Capital, not the city in which this Wonder was built.
20th October 2014 5:17am
Nubalox says...
If i'm going for science, I usually rush Education, then printing press to build this. The engineer I always get from it is great for getting the porcelain tower next turn, even on a higher difficulty, and I find it hard to get both of these towers if you go for porcelain first. The leaning tower is also crucial for Babylon, as it will help you make 20+ scientists per game.
23rd February 2016 12:23pm
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