Carl's Civ 5 Guide
for Civ 5 Complete, Gods & Kings, and Brave New World DLC

Civilization 5 World Wonders: Sydney Opera House

Building Strategies and Wonder Information

A Painting of the Sydney Opera House Wonder in Civilization 5 Brave New World and Gods and Kings
A Painting of Sydney Opera House, seen when Building the Wonder

Sydney Opera HouseWorld Wonder: Sydney Opera House

Tech Required: Ecology

Production Cost: 1250

What it Does: Free Social Policy, +50% Culture in this City. 2 Slots for Great Works of Music.

Build this in the same City where you'll build or have built the Hermitage for a huge boost to Cultural Output. The Theming Bonus for this one is very easy to get, requiring 2 musical pieces from the same Civ, different Eras.

While coming late, this building will give you a boost to Tourism to help you overcome your opponents and win a Cultural Victory. If you're going that route, I highly suggest you shoot for Telecommunications next, so that you can produce the National Visitor's Center in this same City (need Hotels in all Cities). This path leads to the Internet, which will double Tourism to other Civs.

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