Carl's Civ 5 Guide
for Civ 5 Complete, Gods & Kings, and Brave New World DLC

Civilization 5 World Wonders: Temple of Artemis

Building Strategies and Wonder Information

A Painting of the Temple of Artemis Wonder in Civilization 5 Brave New World and Gods and Kings
A Painting of Temple of Artemis, seen when Building the Wonder

Temple of ArtemisWorld Wonder: Temple of Artemis

Tech Required: Archery

Production Cost: 185

What it Does: +10% Growth in All Cities, +15% Production of Ranged Units, +1 Culture and +1 Great Engineer Point per turn.

This Wonder requires the Wonders of the Ancient World DLC if you do not have it in game. You may find this in a bundle on Steam, or buy Civilization 5 Complete Edition. The ranged unit production helps throughout the game, as well as the growth and you may want it for either. For Warmongers, there are better Wonders to seek for this purpose, like the Statue of Zeus, although both will certainly help a B.C. Warmonger. The production of ranged units is really an aside, as the growth bonus is huge.

The best thing about Temple of Artemis is that it actually gives the City +10% Food over the base amount it produces. To say it increases "growth" is a bit misleading - it's a lot better than that. ToA stacks with Tradition so effectively makes tiles that give 3 food give 3.3, so thus increasing growth rate quite a lot more than stated. All you need is the Happiness to support all those Citizens, and nice fertile lands for Farms.

This Wonder will definitely help a wide empire populate their Cities with garrisoned Archers/Crossbowmen/Bazookas and simultaneously aid in growth through the entire game. The Great Engineer point may lead you to rushing a Wonder as you approach the Medieval era, which is invaluable. This Wonder is one of few that the AI doesn't rush for, and although that differs from game to game, it's usually buildable up to Deity Difficulty, where it will help you catch up to the AI in growth.

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David says...
I've used ToA instead of Hanging Gardens in a couple of games now, one with India and one with Arabia. HA has more of an immediate impact, but you'll get more total bonus food from ToA eventually. I also benefited from the bonus to ranged production, but it's the food that really made it worthwhile.
29th August 2014 2:27am
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