Carl's Civ 5 Guide
for Civ 5 Complete, Gods & Kings, and Brave New World DLC

Civilization 5 World Wonders: Globe Theatre

Building Strategies and Wonder Information

A Painting of the Globe Theatre Wonder in Civilization 5 Brave New World and Gods and Kings
A Painting of Globe Theatre, seen when Building the Wonder

Globe TheatreWorld Wonder: Globe Theatre

Tech Required: Printing Press

Production Cost: 500

What it Does: Free Great Writer, 2 slots for Great Works of Writing and +2 Culture in the City.

If you have to choose, pick Leaning Tower of Pisa, otherwise, they are about equally important for a Cultural Victory. This one gives you slots you'll need in your main Tourism City, while the other boosts Great Person generation in ALL Cities, which will ultimately lead to more GS, GE, and GM.

The Globe Theatre has a Theming Bonus, requiring two Great Works of Writing from the same Civ, same Era. The Free Writer and fact that this building comes early in the Renaissance should let you use your Writer Specialists to get the second, especially if you can also build Pisa.

It's easy to tell if you have a lead on building this Wonder because you will be host of the World Congress if you develop the required tech, Printing Press, first. I suggest you get your Cultural City to build this, while another works on Pisa.

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Hiep Pham says...
I would say you should rush the Pisa first to get the GE and rush the Global Theater. In harder mode game, many patronage AI will rush to Printing Press and it is hard to get both Wonders at the same time. So, I usually rush Pisa then use the GE to rush Global theater. Also, I think we should focus on artist tourism instead of writer tourism because it is easier to fill the art slot with Archeologists. I would definitely rush those art theming bonus wonders instead of wrter's ones
7th May 2014 12:22am
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