Carl's Guide to Stardew Valley

Gameplay Strategy and Farm Management

Stardew Valley: Community Bundles

Crops to Grow by Season for Pantry Bundle Completion

In order to help people decide which crops to make each season, I've separated out the produce required to complete farming bundles and any other that requires plants in the Community Center. This list is meant to be something you can reference each season until you're done with the bundles. Notice not all are pantry, there may be other items you need in those bundles, but you'll have the plants out of the way. See my List of all Items to Keep for Bundles to help you figure out what's safe to sell.

This list should help you with what to grow just for bundle requirements. Other plants are likely more profitable and should be grown in abundance to help you make money. I have a list of Crops and their profits.

If you need the gold star variant, plant 15-20 of them with fertilizer so that you're very likely to get enough gold-star variants. One regular and 5 gold star are normally required. Sell or horde the rest!

Spring Crops Bundles

If you're starting a new game, you cannot complete apricots and cherry trees before the end of Spring. However, these do grow during the Fall-Winter, so you can prepare them for the 2nd Spring.

Item or CropRoomBundle Name
Apricot (Plant before Spring)PantryArtisan Bundle (6)
CauliflowerPantrySpring Crops Bundle (4)
Cherry (Plant before Spring)PantryArtisan Bundle (6)
Green BeanPantrySpring Crops Bundle (4)
ParsnipPantrySpring Crops Bundle (4)
Parship x5 (Gold Star)PantryQuality Crops Bundle (3)
PotatoPantrySpring Crops Bundle (4)

Summer Crops Bundles

Trees are very expensive and do not pay off very quickly. With that in mind, it's not wise to rush to buying a tree during Spring and trying to get that bundle done in the first year. You should be able to buy a Fall tree during this season, however, and complete that portion of the bundle. So you can aim for early in your 2nd Summer to finish the produce requirements off these various bundles.

Item or CropRoomBundle Name
BlueberryPantrySummer Crops Bundle (4)
GrapeCrafts RoomSummer Foraging Bundle (3)
Hot PepperPantrySummer Crops Bundle (4)
MelonPantrySummer Crops Bundle (4)
Melon x5 (Gold Star)PantryQuality Crops Bundle (3)
Orange (Plant before Summer)PantryArtisan Bundle (6)
Peach (Plant before Summer)PantryArtisan Bundle (6)
PoppyBulletin BoardChef's Bundle (6)
Red CabbageBulletin BoardDye Bundle (6)
TomatoPantrySummer Crops Bundle (4)
Wheat x10Bulletin BoardFodder Bundle (3)

Fall Crops Bundles

Item or CropRoomBundle Name
ApplePantryArtisan Bundle (6)
Apple x10Bulletin BoardFodder Bundle (3)
BlackberryCrafts RoomFall Foraging Bundle (4)
CornPantryFall Crops Bundle (4)
Corn x5 (Gold Star)PantryQuality Crops Bundle (3)
EggplantPantryFall Crops Bundle (4)
Pomegranate (Plant before Fall)PantryArtisan Bundle (6)
Pomegranate (Plant before Fall)Bulletin BoardEnchanter's Bundle (4)
PumpkinPantryFall Crops Bundle (4)
Pumpkin x5 (Gold Star)PantryQuality Crops Bundle (3)
SunflowerBulletin BoardDye Bundle (6)

Stardew Valley 1.1 Changes

Stardew Valley is now version 1.1, which comes with some significant changes. I have some updating to do as a result. Certain fruits (such as blueberries/cranberries) have had their sell prices reduced significantly to give players more reason to grow other produce. This makes tables with sales values wrong. I will fix them as soon as possible. You can see the full list of change notes here.

Stardew Guide Progress

My Stardew Valley Guide coverage has just begun as of July 8, 2016. I plan to put out pages regularly until I've covered most topics. For now I've completed guides on:

Skills & Unlocks New
Cows & Milk New
Gifts for Villagers (Hearts)
Combat New
The Skull Cavern New
The Desert New
Trees & Tappers New
Foraging New
The Secret Woods
Beginner's Guide New
Stardew Valley Tips
Crops to Grow for Bundles