Carl's Civ 5 Guide
for Civ 5 Complete, Gods & Kings, and Brave New World DLC

Civilization 5 Order Ideology Guide

Strategies and Tips for Choosing Order Tenets

Guide to Choosing Ideologies in Civilization 5: Brave New World
Order Ideology in Civilization 5 Brave New World

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Order and Victory Conditions
The Order Ideology is best-suited for those playing a Civ seeking a Domination, Cultural, or Scientific Victory in Civilization 5: Brave New World. This Guide will highlight the benefits of choosing to follow this Ideology and strategies you can use to help get the most of its Tenets. Look to the main Ideology page to learn some of the drawbacks of having a different Ideology than other in-game Civs, along with a summary of the perks your Civ will get when following it.

Order's effect on Domination Victory is to give you much more Production in your Cities to facilitate a larger Military, while giving you the Happiness you need in order to have a Wide Empire that is continually growing. Cities' Unhappiness will be offset by gaining Happiness from Monuments and newly conquered Cities will get a free Courthouse, which will let you Annex those Cities as soon as they're done with Revolt without any negatives. Buying Buildings that generate Happiness will be cheaper in all your Cities, whether directly (colosseum) or indirectly through Order's Tenets (Factory). This synergizes very well with Commerce and Big Ben, while Landskechts can be upgraded to give you Units that get double gold when capturing Cities, no matter the era.

The possibility of Scientific Victory is also boosted, as wide empires will not have as many Specialists as those following Freedom. Factories will contribute +25% to Science output in each City, and Science buildings will give extra Happiness to give you room for Population growth. I would go Freedom for a Tall Civ seeking a Scientific Victory, but Order may well be your best choice if you have more Cities. Spaceflight Pioneers will give you the ability to finish Spaceship Parts with Great Engineers, which will be easy to come by if you started Tradition then went Wide through conquest and are able to buy them. A Reformation Belief also allows the purchase of any type of Great Person if you go with Piety Policies to get more Faith and Gold from your Cities. You may also direct Food and get +9 per turn for a land trade route to make select Cities taller and further increase their Scientific Output. Naturally, you would still want Rationalism to get +2 Science from every Specialist, even if you do not complete the Tree.

Tourism Victory is interesting and possibly swift with Order, for you should eventually have at least one big boost to other Civs, but possibly two. For one, you have more Civs selecting this Ideology than any other type in most games, and you'll get +34% Tourism to all Civs following Order. The boost to Production will help you with late-game Wonders as well. Civs with less Happiness will also get a +34% boost to Tourism, so this Ideology has the highest potential Tourism boost. As other Civs switch to Order through pressure from their Citizens or suffer continual Unhappiness from being of a different Ideology, you can gradually overtake them. Going Order for Cultural Victory assumes you have produced Great Works throughout the ages and built Wonders or acquired them through Conquest to get more total output. Having a Religion is greatly helpful for this, as is Aesthetics and trading Great Works to complete Theming Bonuses. As with any other Cultural Victory attempt, getting more Culture from Wonders, Great Person Tile Improvements, and Landmarks from Archaeologists (World Congress Proposals) and converting it to Tourism with Hotels/Airports while inventing the Internet will be needed to finish a game this way on upper difficulties. Read the Cultural Victory guide for more information.

Order Tenets List

Level 1 Tenets

Hero of the People
The rate at which Great People are born is increased by 25%. Stacks additively with other bonuses. Helpful particularly in Cultural or Scientific Victories, but any Civ can use Great People late in the game.

Socialist Realism
+2 Local Happiness from Monuments. Build Monuments in half the usual time. Good for newly settled Cities (likely after Razing a poorly-placed City). Otherwise, it'll pretty much give you +2 Happiness per City and help offset playing Wide.

Gold cost of purchasing buildings reduced by 33%. Very helpful when you have Cities that are focused on growth and want newly-invented buildings to be produced swiftly (like Research Labs) or have a newly founded City and want to get it up and running quickly. It will help you get Factories in all your Cities to take advantage of Order's +25% boost to Science from those.

Patriotic War
+15% attack bonus when fighting in friendly territory. You can go to war with a Civ, fight in your own lands and make them sign over Cities in the Peace Treaty before moving on to capture their Capital once it expires.

Double Agents
Spies twice as likely to capture enemy spies attempting to steal a technology. Use this to level up your Spies fast. Put them on the defensive in your highest Pop cities to kill enemy agents, then put them on the road to steal Technologies with ease.

Young Pioneers
+1 Local Happiness from every Workshop, Factory, and Solar/Nuclear/Hydro Plant. A very good Tenet for Order that will let you prioritize Production buildings in your Cities while they grow, in order to make future building construction faster.

Universal Healthcare
+1 Local Happiness from every National Wonder. As I say on the other pages for this Tenet, you should weigh this against other Level 1 Tenets' Happiness contribution to decide which will benefit your empire most. It is likely with 5+ Cities that Young Pioneers will contribute more.

Level 2 Tenets

Academy of Sciences
+1 Local Happiness from every Observatory, Public School, and Research Lab. Yet another Happiness-from-buildings Tenet that can be very good in a Wide Empire to help offset the cost of having so many Cities, while allowing them to continue growing and produce more Science/Production per turn (among other things).

Party Leadership
+1 Food, Production, Science, Gold, and Culture per City. This will be more helpful the wider your empire, obviously. It helps very much with developing Cities, for it will increase border expansion and growth/production of buildings.

New Cities start with an extra 3 Population. It's not often I settle late in the game, but this is an excellent Tenet for those situations where you find yourself razing poorly-placed AI Cities and know you want to claim that land for your own.

Cultural Revolution
+34% Tourism to other Order Civilizations. I elaborate on this above when talking about Cultural Victory. Overall, a good Tenet and it will help protect Order - more levels of Influence for Order makes it more popular globally and will result in less Unhappiness for Civs following Order.

Workers' Faculties
Factories increase a City's Science output by 25%. Build Factories in half the usual time. An excellent Tenet to allow a wide empire to get more Science out of Population. Works especially well with Secularism from Rationalism to get +2 Science per Specialist. You can at the very least run Scientists in your biggest Cities and benefit greatly with this along with the passive Science from Population.

Five-Year Plan
+2 Production per City and +1 Production for every Mine and Quarry. Order excels at Production and this along with other Tenets is why. Those hammers get boosted by Factories/Workshops/Windmills etc. so they will help you construct Buildings, Units, and Wonders much faster than normal.

Level 3 Tenets

Dictatorship of the Proletariat
+34% Tourism to Civilizations that have less Happiness. It is especially good if you can also get the other Bonus going (Civ is following Order). When you can get them pressured to switch, you will quickly pass them in culture if you have enough Tourism output.

Iron Curtain
Free Courthouse upon City capture. Internal Trade Routes provide 50% more Food or Production. With this Tenet, you will be able to get a lot of growth going in your Cities using internal Trade Routes, which is very helpful when you are at war -- those are less likely to be plundered. The free Courthouse lets you benefit from Annexing a City as soon as it's out of Resistance.

Spaceflight Pioneers
May finish Spaceship parts with Great Engineers. A Great Engineer and a Great Scientist appear outside the Capital. The Great Engineer may be used for a Wonder if you aren't ready for Spaceship parts (something like Hubble Space Telescope is preferable!). Even when not going for a Scientific Victory this is a good Tenet due to those free Great People. The Scientist should be used to quickly discover a new Technology this late in the game. If you can purchase Great Engineers with Faith, it is even better. See above for more information on that.

Share your Tips for Playing Order
This should help players better understand the overall goals and use of Tenets in the Order Ideology. Share your own gameplay tips using the Comments form below to enlighten us of strategies that work with specific Civs and other things you may find helpful to your fellow players.

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SVK PETO says...
In Modern and Atomic Era city starts with 4 population and 9 buildings. 3 extra pop. is like 80 food.
In Information era city starts with 5 pop. and 10 buildings. 3 extra pop. is like 100 food.
21st July 2014 11:47am
Bill W says...
nothing in there for City-States, the only one of the three ideologies
16th July 2014 4:43pm
Theduckman says...
Order is an exceptionally good ideology as its tenet one policies are really good and versatile when compared with Autocracy and Freedom. Its also very good if you generate lots of culture as you can take lots of land and then have patriotic war tenet. The individual tenets means its my favourite ideology
11th October 2014 2:13pm
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