Fallout 3 The Waters of Life Walkthrough (Main Quest) - Guide by Carl

Fallout 3 Walkthrough - Main Quest Walkthrough by Mission:
Following in his Footsteps  |  Galaxy News Radio  |  Scientific Pursuits  |  Tranquility Lane  |  The Waters of Life  |  Picking up the Trail  |  Rescue from Paradise  |  Finding the Garden of Eden  |  The American Dream  |  Take it Back!

Quest Start: Vault 112, after rescuing Dad from Tranquility Lane:
  • Go to the Rivet City Science Lab and Talk to Dad
  • Join the Scientists at Project Purity
    Getting to Rivet City should be no problem for you by now. After talking to Dad, he'll ask you to come along to Project Purity. The scientists are going to resume their work. You don't have to travel with the group, you can fast-walk to the Jefferson Memorial. You need to clear all of the super mutants out from the inside, including the basement. When that's done, return outside and the group should be waiting for you. When you get the quest to clear it, it should say that it is safe.

    Head on in to the Rotunda and wait on the slow scientists and Dad. When they finally arrive, talk to Dad. You can learn about Project Purity if you like, as well as the character's Mother. Dad will ask you to do several tasks inside the memorial to prepare Project Purity. The first requires heading into the basement. If you are low on ammo do not proceed, instead go restock first because there will be a lot of fighting a bit later.

    Go to the basement, which should already be cleared of Super Mutants. You can follow your quest marker in here, as well as the signs that lead to "Flood Control". Press the electrical switch, then return to Dad on the Rotunda to get fuses. Return once more to the basement. This time, your map marker will not guide you. Instead you must follow the signs to Fuse Control A1. Once the fuses are in place, you will be able to open the powered door to the Mainframe near the entrance of the basement. Go into it and push the switch by the Mainframe. Dad will tell you to return to the main level and use the intercom.

    Head back out of the basement. Right when you come out there is an intercom on the wall by the door. Talk to Dad and he'll tell you to go to pump control, which is near the entrance to the memorial (If you were coming in through the gift shop door, it'd be straight ahead). Go down the grate and follow the passage to the pump control and activate it. As soon as you do, a Vertibird will land carrying Enclave soldiers and they're coming for Project Purity. Head back to the rotunda.

    Enclave soldiers will attack you on your way, but they are not very threatening and have some nice gear. They have power armor, and you should loot it because it is very strong. Combine armors that are damaged to make better-repaired versions so that they don't consume as much of your carrying capacity. Once at the Rotunda, watch the scene, then run with Dr. Li to the tunnels (a manhole is the entrance). You'll need to talk to Dr. Li to get the scientists to follow you. Stay close to them at all times to keep them safe. You will eventually come to a door that Dr. Li needs to unlock. There are Enclave soldiers in the room next to them that you can try to knock down to your level so you can take the loot, but it's not necessary. In fact, it's a bit annoying if you lose sight of Dr. Li as they will likely charge through the door once she opens it. Be careful shooting ghouls that attack when they are close to the scientists. VATS will come in handy a lot here.

    When you've reached the Taft Tunnels, you're close. Dr. Li will stop and ask for Stimpacks to help Garza. Give her some if you have them. Not far down the path, the Enclave will ambush you from behind, once again up on a catwalk. Ignore them and evade their fire. Stay with the scientists and keep popping ghouls. When you reach the door that must be opened with an electrical switch, you'll have finally reached safety as the big guy behind the door in Power armor is a Brotherhood Paladin.

    You won't be able to get in to the Citadel, but Dr. Li has some connection with Elder Lyons, and you'll gain access. Once you enter the Waters of Life Quest is complete. After this, Enclave soldiers will finally appear in the Wasteland, giving you another source of finding good items as you travel. Also, Vault 101 will finally initiate a distress signal allowing you to tie up loose ends back home.

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    Arkin says...
    What will happen if my conversation with dad stucks after I cleared supermutants . I find DAD outside the gift shop road but when I start a conversation there is a blank conv. bulb and nothing happens. What should I do to fix this ?
    27th December 2015 8:46am
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